MPE/iX Beyond 2010

As the HP end of support date for the HP 3000 has come and gone, Allegro stands ready to provide excellent on-going support of your MPE/iX operating system and selected applications. Allegro holds a license from HP for the MPE/iX source code which gives our software specialists visibility into the operating system kernel and allows Allegro the ability to develop custom binary patches as needed. In addition, Allegro has relationships with many HP 3000 hardware service providers throughout the US and Canada. Allegro can have an HP 3000 independent service organization provide you with a competitive quote based on your system’s physical location(s).

Sure, there are other companies marketing the fact that they can support your HP 3000 operating system beyond 31 Dec 2010, but consider that the experts at Allegro have also worked with HP on MPE code development over the past 29 years of Allegro’s company history.

MPE/iX Support FAQ.

MPE/iX Support Page

MPE/iX Products Page

The Allegro Difference

Vendor B=Other MPE/iX HP source code license holders

Vendor C=Typical Independent Hardware Support provider also providing “limited” MPE/iX support

?=Do not know

Category Product or Service Allegro Vendor B Vendor C
HP 3000 OS: MPE/iX Support
Handle basic MPE/iX questions Yes Yes Yes
Licensed by HP for access to the MPE/iX Source Code Yes Yes No
Ability to develop patches based on visibility into Source Code Yes ? No
Have found deep rooted bugs and provided detailed information to HP on how to fix them Yes ? ?
Understanding of how to recover damaged files to the ā€œbits & bytes” level Yes ? ?
HP3000-L and comp.sys.hp.mpe regular solutions contributors Yes Yes ?
Has taught MPE Internals training to HP’s own engineers Yes No No
Developed portions of MPE and IMAGE under contract to HP Yes No No
Wrote the book on ā€œMPE/iX certificationā€ for use by HP Yes No No
Wrote a PA-RISC compiler: SPLash! Yes No No
Wrote the book on ā€œPA-RISCā€: Beyond RISC by Steven M. Cooper, et al. Yes No No
HP 3000 Products: sales/support
BFree Yes No No
HourGlass Yes No No
Safe/3000 Yes No No
SPLash! Yes No No
HP 3000 Utilities: Sales/Support
DiskPerf Yes No No
TapeDisk Yes No No
WipeDisk Yes No No
X-Over Yes No No
HP 3000 Application Support
Robelle products Yes No No
Tidal (OCS) products Yes No No
HP 3000 Application Assistance
Acucorp (MicroFocus) AcuCOBOL Yes ? ?
Adager products Yes ? ?
AMS Environment/3000 Yes ? ?
Bradmark products Yes ? ?
Computer Associates products Yes ? ?
HP- various including IMAGE, KSAM, Transaction Mgr. Disc Mirror, etc. Yes ? ?
Interex CSL Yes ? ?
Kelly Computer products Yes ? ?
Lund Performance Solutions products Yes ? ?
Orbit products Yes ? ?
Denkart products Yes ? ?
Quest products Yes ? ?
RSA Security products Yes ? ?
ScreenJet Yes ? ?
SRN products Yes ? ?
WRQ products Yes ? ?
VESOFT products Yes ? ?
Programming Languages
BASIC Yes ? ?
C Yes ? ?
C++ Yes ? ?
COBOL Yes ? ?
GCC Yes ? ?
Java Yes ? ?
PA-RISC Assembler Yes ? ?
Pascal Yes ? ?
Perl Yes ? ?
PHP Yes ? ?
SPL Yes ? ?
SPLash! Yes ? ?