HP-UX Support
With HP-UX’s end-of-life looming (end of 2025), we want to remind everyone that Allegro supports HP-UX! Just like with MPE, your HP-UX systems will keep running even after end-of-life (EOL) is reached. If you’re not ready to migrate off, please contact us so we can discuss how Allegro can help you keep your HP-UX and MPE systems running! If you are ready to migrate, we can help with that too. We can be reached via our website (https://allegrosupport.com), or email (support@allegrosupport.com), or by phone (+1 408-252-2330).
Cooper announces his retirement
Steve writes: “On February 1, 2022, Allegro Consultants, Inc. will celebrate its 38th birthday and the beginning of a new era. I’ll be stepping aside and beginning my retirement. I am pleased to announce that Donna Hofmeister will be taking over as President and I have complete confidence in Donna’s ability to lead the company and provide the support and customer service that you have come to expect from us. It has been a pleasure working with all of our clients and employees through the years, and I encourage everyone to stay in touch.”
We’re becoming AllegroSupport.com
We’re changing our Domain Name. Please start using our new domain name, AllegroSupport.com, instead of allegro.com, for all things Allegro from this point on. For example, to reach support, please send e-mail to support@allegrosupport.com. And, our website can be reached at https://allegrosupport.com.
Allegro also writes mobile apps
Allegro develops apps for iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows. Our most recent mobile app reads barcodes and QR codes, takes photographs, and uploads them to a web server to provide the customer with the fastest field-to-user data in their industry.
Charon and SIMH tape images
Allegro has the exclusive ability to directly generate Charon-format NM STORE tape image files and SIMH-format CM STORE tapes image files. Differing from STORE-to-disk format, these can be useful when moving files or data from one HP 3000 to an emulated HP 3000 when STORE-to-disk files aren’t appropriate. Please contact Allegro for further information.
Enhancing old programs
Allegro is pleased to announce “we still have it”. We recently added functionality to several older MPE/iX programs with a combination of XLs and patches. If you are looking for new functionality, please contact us!
New versions of KNOCKOUT and BOUNCE
We’re pleased to release updated versions of our KNOCKOUT product, and the free subset, BOUNCE.
Wipedisk for RedHat (RHEL) 7 and CentOS 7
Allegro continues its commitment to producing quality software utilities for modern operating systems by enhancing WipeDisk for Linux to add support for RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 and CentOS 7. WipeDisk, a utility to erase or wipe clean a disk drive, meets the most stringent data security requirements, as established by the U.S. Department of Defense. Please see our WipeDisk for Linux page for more information.
Allegro releases nine free utilities for MPE/iX
We’re pleased to release the following utilities which had previously been available only upon request, or to our existing customers. In the spirit of keeping the MPE/iX ecosystem healthy and vibrant, we’re happy to release these now to the community at large. The utilities are as follows: CHKBADSL, CHKRTMSL, DISKMAP, FILLSCR, FIXROOT, PDCPATHS, QDUMP, RAMUSAGE, UNWRQ.
Allegro Expands Data Migration Offerings
Allegro is pleased to announce a significant expansion of our data migration offerings. Previously, we have provided customers with the means to convert legacy TurboIMAGE databases into a number of target formats including Eloquence, CSV, HTML, and XML using our various utilities such as Rosetta Store, DBHTML, or DBCSV, as well as customized migration processing tailored to individual customer needs. We now support a variety of SQL based target formats including MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server databases.
About us
Allegro is…
A software services, support, and development company headquartered in Redwood City, California. Founded in 1984, today Allegro offers 24×7 operating system software support helpdesk services for HP-UX, Linux, and MPE/iX. We also offer customized managed services for customers who are evolving their IT infrastructures. Additionally, Allegro is a center of excellence for kernel-level software development and internals knowledge, offering products that make running your business easier and more productive.
Allegro offers…
To real problems. Your problems. We provide customers with better-than-OEM support services, managed services, products, and expertise. Making hard problems go away is what we do every day. Let us show you how we can solve issues facing your business today.
We offer new recurring revenue sources to our service partners through innovative support service packages that add value to their existing offerings while making their own operations easier and less labor intensive. Customers get the benefits of new and better assistance services, delivered by people who have many years of experience in real-world customer environments and who understand their needs.
When we started all this, in 1984, the industry was at the height of the proprietary operating system era when vertical market applications and customized solutions were the norm. In today’s age of “open systems“, many don’t know how smooth IT operations can be when you have tools that are built for the express purpose of making your business run. But we remember those days and our people carry forward the ideals of those times while applying them to today’s modern IT ecosystems.
From business best practices developed over many years and across many computing platforms, to system internals, compiler and kernel development, education and training, we have been addressing our customers’ critical business needs for decades.