


  • Worried about having unencrypted credit card numbers in an IMAGE database?

  • Worried that you might have credit card numbers in a KSAM file?

  • Worried that you might have flat files with credit card numbers in them?

PassPCI2 can help!

The Payment Card Industry (PCI) has a strict set of requirements.

One requirement is to “Complete and obtain evidence of a passing vulnerability scan with a PCI SSC Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV)”. While there are currently no known ASV’s for the HP 3000, Allegro Consultants, Inc., is in the process of applying for this certification, using our PassPCI2 product.

Remind your auditor that this means, of course, that most credit card processing is done on less reliable and less secure computers than an HP 3000!

With PassPCI2 you can:

  • scan all files and databases, or selected ones
  • scan only databases, only files, or both
  • look for credit card numbers from specified Major Industries, or all MIIs.
  • see the issuers for thousands of Credit Card Numbers (based on the Issuer Identification Number (IIN))
  • choose to see “hits” by filename, location within file, or exact text
  • read QEDIT files, or skip them
  • ignore specific filecodes (e.g., STORE-to-Disk files)
  • correctly handle MSG files
  • retain access dates on files
  • include, or reject, by Credit Card Number length (e.g., ignore 13-digit CCNs)
  • scan MPE-names files, HFS files, or both

Please contact us if you’d like more information.

You can also request a free demo!