DBHTML is a utility to display the schema for an IMAGE database in either DBSCHEMA syntax or as an HTML file. When generating HTML, it has the ability to include documentation for the database, sets, and items ... and create hypertext links from the "schema" to the documentation. Commands: DO [prefix] If a prefix is specified, finds the more recent redo line that matches the prefix and re-submits it. If no prefix is specified, the most recent input is re-submitted. ECHO text Echoes the rest of the line to $stdlist. This could be useful in a USE file. Exit Terminates DBHTML. FLAGS basename [output_filename] ... Shortcut for: SCHEMA basename [output_filename] FLAGS ... Help [command_name_prefix] HELPdisplays the entire help text. HELP H displays help for all commands starting with H. HTML basename [output_filename] [options] options ::= C | DELete | DOCumentation doc_filename] [C] Generates an HTML page describing the specified database. If output_flename is omitted, output is sent to $STDLIST. By default, if an existing file with the same output name exists, the command is aborted. The DELETE option tells DBHTML that it should purge any existing file with the same name. The DOC option tells HTML to read documentation from the specified ASCII file, and to include it on in the HTML generated. If a DOCUMENTATION file name is not specified, DBHTML will look for DO. For example, if you specified a basename of SALES.DATA, then DBHTML will look for a documentation file called SALESDO.DATA. The C option adds a section to the HTML documenting the C language "structs" that one might use to access the data in each dataset. Note: the "output_filename" may not be "C", "DELete", or "DOCumentation". LISTREDO Lists the REDO stack, which persists across runs (while in the same session or job). QUICKREF basename [options] options ::= [...] Lists basic information about a database. REDO [prefix] If a prefix is specified, finds the more recent redo line that matches the prefix and presents it for editing and re-submitting. If no prefix is specified, the most recent input is presented for editing and re-submitting. The editor used by REDO is QZMODIFY. Pressing ^W and then H will result in help information. RESET [...] See SET SCHEMA basename [output_filename] [options] options ::= <[no]DELete | [no]EXTRAS | [no]FEAtures | FLAGS | [no]PATHS > Generates a DBSCHEMA-style output describing the specified database. If output_filename is omitted, output is sent to $STDLIST. By default, if an existing file with the same output name exists, the command is aborted. The DELETE option tells DBHTML that it should purge any existing file with the same name. The EXTRAS option (on by default) tells DBHTML that extra information should be displayed (as comments). The FEATURES option (on by default) tells DBHTML that to report the features used by the database (e.g., does it use DDX? MDX? Jumbo?) The FLAGS option (off by default) tells DBHTML to only display "flag" information (i.e., various bits/flags, but *not* the passwords, items, or sets). The PATHS option says "I want extra path comments emitted". SET / RESET [options...] options ::= [no]ALLOWMPE BATCH [no]COLTRUNcate [no]DEBUGCAP [no]DEBUG1 DEMO [no]LP [no]PAGING [no]PASSwords [no]SHORTUClist Turns on the specified option(s) or flag(s). The state of all options/flags is reported at the end of the SET (or RESET) command. To see the options and flags without changing any of them, enter: SET SET ALLOWMPE tells DBHTML that the user may enter MPE commands (e.g., :showtime). This option may be SET only from the startup.dbhtml.allegro file, or by a user with SM capability. NOTE: allowing MPE commands might open a security hole. The default is RESET ALLOWMPE. SET LP routes all subsequent output to the printer instead of to the terminal. RESET LP cancels this. The PASSWORDS option tells DBTHML to emit actual passwords in the output. RESET PASSWORDS prevents the passwords from being emitted. The default is SET PASSWORDS SET SHORTUCLIST (the default) STRUCT basename [output_filename] [options] options ::= DELete Generates C structs and typedefs for the items and datasets. If output_flename is omitted, output is sent to $STDLIST. By default, if an existing file with the same output name exists, the command is aborted. The DELETE option tells DBHTML that it should purge any existing file with the same name. Note: the "output_filename" may not be "C", "DELete", or "DOCumentation". SUFFIX Converts a dataset number (e.g, 200) into a dataset filename suffix (e.g., 'A0'), or vice versa (e.g., "SALESA0" into "200"). USEq filename Tells DBHTML to read commands from the specified file. Normally, USE will echo the lines as it reads them. USEQ tells DBHTML to not do such an echo. VERSION Reports version of DBHTML. XML basename [filename] [DELete] Produces a rudimentary XML description of the database schema. (See HTML or SCHEMA for the semantics of "filename" and "DELETE".) \ Syntax note: where multiple parameters are optional, commas are needed to indicate omission of a parameter if you want to specify subsequent parameters. ----------------------------------------------------------------- At startup, DBHTML does an implicit: USEQ startup.dbhtml.allegro (disallowing file equates). This allows you to have common startup commands (e.g., SET/RESET). ----------------------------------------------------------------- The DOCUMENTATION file, if one exists, is a flat ASCII file with a mixture of DBHTML documentation directives and text documenting the data sets, data items, and miscellaneous documentation. In the documentation file, comment lines (which will not be copied into the generated HTML) are any lines beginning with the text "\!". Note: the text is treated as HTML text, which means that text lines may be reformatted by the user's browser if you don't prevent it. The three directives are: \SET, \ITEM, and \MISCellaneous. \SET setname ...tells DBHTML that this is the start of documentation for the specified data set. \ITEM itemname ...tells DBHTML that this is the start of documentation for the specified data item. \MISCellaneous ...tells DBHTML that this is the start of miscellaneous documentation. The SET, ITEM, and MISCellaneous keywords may be in any case. A documentation file may have zero or more \SET sections, zero or more \ITEM sections, and zero or one \MISCellaneous sections. An example file, which also shows that HTML elmements may be in the documentation (see the section for set2): \! badbits 2001-10-03 \set set1 this is set set1, a set of no particular value. \SET set2 this is set set2, a BOLD set.
this is more text
this is the last line of text for set2 \item item1 this is item1, an I1 item. this is the last line of text for item I1 \item item2 this is item2, of which we know nothing \misc this is where you might put database general comments.this is a link to Allegro. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: if you find problems, please email sieler@allegro.com