const blank = ' '; type pac80 = packed array [1..80] of char; {---------------------------------------------------} function trim ( buf : pac80; var f_width : integer) : pac80; {trim takes the 80-byte array passed and physically trims } {the leading blanks off (by left-shifting the text), and } {logically trims any trailing blanks. The resulting width} {is returned in "f_width". } { } {Example: trim (' cat ', W); } { returns: 'cat ', and W = 3 } { } {Note: in left-shifting, the "new" characters at the end } {of the buffer will be blanks. } const max_inx = sizeof (buf); var first_inx: integer; {index of first non-blank in buf} last_inx : integer; {index of last non-blank in buf} inx : integer; {used to index in buf/new_buf} new_buf : pac80; {will hold left-shifted text} width : integer; {length of "trimmed" text} begin {Find first non-blank character in buf...} first_inx := 1; while (first_inx <= max_inx) and (buf [first_inx] = blank) do first_inx := first_inx + 1; {Continue only if we found a non-blank.. .} {Note that if the first non-blank is the } {first character, then we don't need to } {"shift" the text, so we can do a high- } {speed copying of the data in buf to trim's } {functional result. } if first_inx > max_inx then begin {buf is entirely blank} trim := ' '; {pass back a blank buffer} width := 0; {0 -> no non-blank text!} end else begin {must copy data to new_buf} {First, determine width...} {Note that we can avoid a complex while} {condition because we know that we'll } {find a non-blank before last_inx hits 0. } last_inx := max_inx; while buf [last_inx] = ' ' do last_inx := last_inx - 1; width := (last_inx - first_inx) + 1; {Copy the data to new_buf...} {Note that since the "for" below might not} {copy max_inx chars, we need to make sure } {that the trailing part of new_buf is } {blanked out ... to be nice to the caller.} {This could be omitted if the definition } {of "trim" made it clear that the trailing} {data should be undefined. } {(See commentary for alternative) } if width < max_inx then new_buf := ' '; {blank out entire new_buf} for inx := 1 to width do new_buf [inx] := buf [inx + (first_inx - 1)]; trim := new_buf; end; f_width := width; {tell caller the width} end {trim proc};Notes:
On the other hand, the *human* time to understand the new_buf := ' ' is significantly less than to understand an additional FOR loop. Remember to ask: will it take more time to write faster code than will ever be saved by that new code?
Still, here's the FOR loop code...replace the "new_buf := ' ';" with:
{Blank out tail end} for inx := width + 1 to max_inx do new_buf [inx] := ' ';
In general, I avoid accessing simple by-reference parameters via this technique.
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(Click here to go back to the uncommented
bad version.)
(Click here for the "How To Code Pascal" paper.)