XCLOSE Copyright (c) 1993 Allegro Consultants, Inc. This is XCLOSE, a dirty-privileged program designed to help you close files that "cannot be closed". *********************************** ** XCLOSE is dangerous to use! ** *********************************** But...if you really need to close a file (because some *HUNG* process has it open) you can try this program. Usage: First, consider doing a backup. Second, warn users of a potential system failure. Third, run the program ... it will prompt you for a command. Commands: CLOSE filename ... try to close the file You will be presented with a choise of which close mechanism you want to try. Note that they are listed in order of increasing danger. (note: we generally suggest trying PINCLOSE before trying the CLOSE command.) Exit ... terminate program HELP (or ?) ... print this information LOOK filename ... displays information about a file PINCLOSE [ pin# [,] file# ] [ ] ::= [DISPostion #] [autoYES] [ENTRY <# | FCLOSE | FSCLOSE | KSCLOSE | LOG>] [ #] [PIN #] [SECcode #] [XL <0 | 1 | 2 | 3>] The PINCLOSE command will attempt to do a cross-process FCLOSE of the file. Note: if it reports a final condition code of CCL, that generally indicates that the close failed. [re]SET VSOD ... enable/disable the VSOD option The VSOD option will cause the LOOK command to report extra information. [re]SET AUTOYES ([re]sets the "auto yes" flag globally) The PINCLOSE command is the safest method of closing files, but it requires that you know the PIN# and file# (these may be obtainable from Allegro's ETC or Lund Performance Solution's SOS/3000). LISTFILE , 9 may also report the information. Both CLOSE and PINCLOSE ask for confirmation before doing their work, unless AUTOYES is set. As a general guideline, and particularly after a "CLOSE" command, we recommend rebooting as soon as practical. This program has been run on MPE/iX 6.0 through MPE/iX 7.5. No warranties (or promises), of any kind, are made! Use at your own risk! XCLOSE 20140822