Copyright (c) 2000 Allegro Consultants, Inc. (408) 252-2330 Author: Stan Sieler This is TAPEVIEW: a program to read an unknown tape, and report information about its structure. This program has almost no HELP information...sorry! INFO options: BATCH [no]DAT (or DDS) [no]DEBUG1 [no]DEBUG2 [no]DEBUG3 DUMP dumps every record read [no]EBCDICIN EOFS = # EOTS = # FROMdev = class/ldev MAXDUMPBYTES = # max # of bytes to dump for DUMP option MAXFiles = # MINIDUMP dumps first few bytes of every record read PAGING paginates output (true by default for sessions) [no]REPORT report size of each read from tape? TAPEname = name TAR synonym for: EOFS 1 EOTS 1 [no]ZEROeof A control-Y should interrupt the reading from tape, and ask if you want to terminate. An alternative to control-Y is to hit , :setjcw jcw 1, :continue TapeView 20160331 Copyright (c) 2000 Allegro Consultants, Inc. Written by Stan Sieler.