TAPEDIR copyright (C) 1986 Allegro Consultants, Inc. (408) 252-2330 Version 22.0 (Sep 94) by Stan Sieler. sieler@allegrosupport.com A STORE tape analyzer ...RUN with an entrypoint of HELP for information. TAPEDIR is a STORE tape analyzer, and may be run with an entry point of HELP for information. TAPEDIR prints a directory of the files on a Classic STORE tape. TAPEDIR Overview ================ To run TAPEDIR, do the following: RUN TAPEDIR; INFO="tapename [option1 option2...]" or RUN TAPEDIR Where TAPEDIR is the name of this program, and "tapename" is the name of your tape. If INFO is not specified, your user name will be used as a tape name. For example, if MANAGER.SYS ran TAPEDIR without an INFO parameter, TAPEDIR would ask for a tape called: MANAGER. TAPEDIR will read the specified tape and look at each file on the tape. Detailed information about each file is reported to a printer file whose formal name is PRINTER. Each output line defaults to 132 characters wide. If you wish, you may specify one or more TAPEDIR options after the name of the tape to be read. NOTE: you cannot use commas (,) to separate options...use one or more blanks instead! A control-y will cause TAPEDIR to report to the terminal what file# (and name) is currently being processed. Additionally, a dot (.) is printed every 50th file, to let you monitor its progress. Lockwords on files will be shown if you are SM or OP, or if the account of the file matches your logon account. TAPEDIR UDC =========== The following UDC allows easy invocation of TAPEDIR: tapedir WHAT=" ",A=" ",B=" ",C=" ",D=" ",E=" " RUN TAPEDIR.PUB.ALLEGRO;INFO="!WHAT !A !B !C !D !E" ************** Example usage: tapedir stan long verify Or, if you prefer to specify options via the PARM bits: tapedir WHAT=" ", PARM=0, MISC=" " RUN TAPEDIR.PUB.ALLEGRO;INFO="!WHAT !MISC";PARM=!PARM ************** Example usage: tapedir stan, 1 TAPEDIR options =============== TAPEDIR has a number of options. All can be specified via the INFO parameter, but, if you wish, you can specify some of them by setting various PARM bits on the RUN command. A table at the end of this help text will show the various PARM bits. Options are specified via the INFO parameter with the following syntax: RUN TAPEDIR;INFO="tapename [ option1 option2 ... ]" (Note 1: don't type in the "[" or the "]" ... they simply indicate that the list of options is, ahem, optional!) (Note 2: if you want to specify option(s) with the INFO parameter, then the first token in the string MUST be the name of the tape to process...look at the syntax above if you don't believe this!) The various options are (in alphabetic order): (those flagged with an asterisk in column 1 are relatively new) * 132 (or PORT132) This option causes TAPEDIR to emit the control sequence that puts LaserJets into portrait mode, with 132-columns of text and about 80 lines per page. * ACCESSED ACCESSED (default) tells TAPEDIR to show file access dates. NOACCESSED suppresses the file access dates. See also: DATES ALPHASORT ALPHASORT tells TAPEDIR that the files on a STORE tape are in alphabetic (f.g.a), rather than grouped by groups within accounts. If ALPHASORT is set, then TAPEDIR prints a blank line whenver the first character of a file name file changes from the prior file. If it is reset, then the blank line is printed when the group (or account) name changes. Although ALPHASORT is reset by default, it is automatically set by TAPEDIR if it thinks that the files are in alphabetic order. * BUILDPV [= pvname] BUILDPV tells TAPEDIR to build a disc file called PV which will contain MPE NEWACCT and NEWGROUP commands for every group.account found on the tape. These commands are of the form: NEWGROUP group.acct;VS=pvname:SPAN and: NEWACCT acct,mgr;VS=pvname:SPAN "pvname" defaults to "PV". * COMPARE COMPARE tells TAPEDIR to compare the modification date of every file on tape against files of the same name on disc. The result is displayed as a special character in the first column after the account name. The characters used are: < older than disc file > newer than disc file = same date as disc file blank disc file version does not exist * disc file exists, could not compare ? error occured fetching disc file info. * CREATED CREATED (default) tells TAPEDIR to show file creation dates. NOCREATED suppresses the file creation dates. See also: DATES * CREATOR Tells TAPEDIR to report the creator for every file. Default: SET * DATES DATES (default) tells TAPEDIR to show file creation, modification, and access dates. NODATES suppresses all three dates. * FILENUM FILENUM (default) tells TAPEDIR to print a file number column at the left of each line. NOFILENUM suppresses the file number. LABelled The LABELLED option tells TAPEDIR to make a special effort to read a labelled STORE tape. Normally, to get a directory listing of a labelled STORE tape, try running TAPEDIR and pointing it at the tape without any special file equates. This would fail prior to Q-MIT, but a Q-MIT bug (?) appears to allow labelled tapes to be read as unlabelled (hurray!). If this does NOT work, try running TAPEDIR with the LABEL option. This will cause TAPEDIR to ask for an unlabelled tape for Read & Write access, which allows a labelled tape to be 'sneaked' past MPE...don't worry ... TAPEDIR will NOT write to the tape! If a labelled tape has a lockword, you will be asked to supply it, regardless of your capabilities! This is because lockworded labelled tapes represent an attempt at inter-site security, so TAPEDIR has chosen to not violate it! * LAND132 This option causes TAPEDIR to emit the control sequence that puts LaserJets into landscape mode, with 132-columns of text and about 66 lines per page. * LAND176 (or: LAND) This option causes TAPEDIR to emit the control sequence that puts LaserJets into landscape mode, with 176-columns of text and about 66 lines per page. * LANGuage LANGUAGE tells TAPEDIR to display a "LANG" column to show the Native Language of each file. If a file's Native Language is 0 (NATIVE-3000) a blank will be used, otherwise the Language ID (a number) is shown. If any non-0 values are seen, then a table will be produced at the end of the listing to correlate language id's and language names. LOCKword If set, causes TAPEDIR to report the lockword for files. (Note: you won't see the lockword unless you have SM or are AM and the file is in your logon account.) Default: RESET for non-AM, non-SM users; SET for AM/SM. LONG Causes TAPEDIR to print much more information about each file. LONG output will print 1 or 2 lines of information per file (depending on the recsize of the PRINTER file). Example: RUN TAPEDIR.PUB;INFO="mytape LONG" A nice way to use the LONG option and an HP2680A printer (the laser page printer), is to use an environment file that provides more characters per line than 132. For example, if you have an environment file (LPWIDE) that allowed 200 characters per line, you could use it and the LONG option as follows: FILE PRINTER; DEV=EPOC; CCTL; ENV=LPWIDE.HPENV.SYS RUN TAPEDIR;INFO="mytape LONG" * MATRIX MATRIX (default) tells TAPEDIR to show the file security if space permits (it usually doesn't). NOMATRIX suppresses the file security matrix. * MODIFIED MODIFIED (default) tells TAPEDIR to show the file modification dates. NOMODIFIED suppresses the file modification dates. See also: DATES NEWDISK The NEWDISK option causes TAPEDIR to make a human readable copy of the TAPEDIR output as a permanent disc file named NEWDISK. (Sorry about the "K" there...maybe someday HP will start spelling disk correctly!) PAGE [=] # Tells TAPEDIR to use a different value for determining the number of lines per printed page. Normally, TAPEDIR uses 60 (unless the record size of the printer is 200 or more characters, in which case 90 used). However, some printers default to a smaller page size, which can result in wasted pages being produced. If your printed output consists of a page of data followed by a page with 2 lines, followed by a page of data, followed by 2 lines (etc), trying specifying PAGE=58 or PAGE=57. Note: the various LAND and PORT options also affect the page size. NOPAGE tells TAPEDIR to not paginate the output. PORT132 or PORT (see 132 above) QUICK At the front of every STORE tape is a 'directory' which lists just the name (file.group.account) of every file found on the tape. The QUICK option causes TAPEDIR to print just this directory (instead of the more descriptive normal listing). As you might guess, this is very quick, but you gain speed at the cost of information. A QUICK option can print only the names of the files, it cannot print additional information! Example: RUN TAPEDIR.PUB;INFO="mytape QUICK" Note: QUICK cannot be used in conjunction with any other option! If you attempt this, TAPEDIR will reset QUICK and issue a warning. SKIP The SKIP option tells TAPEDIR to use the 'fcontrol' option called 'forward skip file' to go from one file to the next, regardless of the tape of device your tape is mounted on. This option is meaningful only when your tape is really a 9144 cartridge tape. This is a very slow device, and seems to take a long time when doing 'forward skip file' operations. TAPEDIR notices when you are using a 9144 device, and defaults to using a 'read every record' method of getting to the end of each file for this device. Specifying SKIP allows you to tell TAPEDIR to use 'forward skip file' anyway. NOTE: if VERIFY is true (and it is, by default), the SKIP option is ignored. TAPECONT discname The TAPECONT option causes TAPEDIR to save a copy of the undecoded directory on disc in a file whose name follows the TAPECONT option. The following example will create a text file called "FOO": RUN TAPEDIR;INFO="fulldump TAPECONT foo" Note: this file is not intended to be read by humans. * USERLABELS USERLABELS (default) tells TAPEDIR to display information about the number of userlabels for a file. NOUSERLABELS tells TAPEDIR to suppress userlabel information. VERIFY VERIFY (default) tells TAPEDIR to read every bit on the tape. The NOVERIFY option tells TAPEDIR to not bother verifying that every bit on the tape is readable. When NOVERIFY is specified, TAPEDIR reads only the file label of each file and then skips the rest of the file's data. ** NOTE: "NO" may appear in front of any option to negate it. TAPEDIR PARM Bits ================= The following table is a summary of current PARM option bits: Bit Meaning Bit Value --- -------- --------- 7 PORT132 256 8 (reserved) 9 COMPARE 64 (COMPARE is only partially implemented) 10 NOVERIFY 32 11 SKIP 16 12 LABELLED 8 13 NEWDISK 4 14 QUICK 2 15 LONG 1 Note: if you give TAPEDIR a tape that has NO file marks on it, it may spin the tape off the end of the reel! Actually, this is MPE's fault. The TAPETEST program produces such tapes. END OF PROGRAM 20160518