TapeCopy 2.9 by Appel, Miller, and Sieler TapeCopy is a utility to copy TAPE or DDS media into STORE-to-disk (STD) format (or into a special format disk archive file) and (later) back to TAPE or DDS. TapeCopy also supports direct tape-to-tape copying, including STORE tapes (NM or CM) (with some limitations, see notes at end). Usage: TAPECOPY "mode [filename] [fcode] [options]" [,parm] mode = TAPE2DISK or TD to copy from IN tape to OUT file. DISK2TAPE or DT to copy from IN file to OUT tape. TAPE2TAPE or TT to copy from IN tape to OUT tape. fcode= optional filecode for diskfile when mode=TAPE2DISK User can also do SETVAR TAPECOPYFCODE {integer} options = SHOWBLOCKS | SHOWEOFS | NULLout | parm = 0 gives summary message only 1 gives message at every tape mark 2 gives message at every record The STD option (default) results in a STORE-to-disk format output file. The ARCHIVE option results in a TapeCopy archive output file (slightly different, but not readable by RESTORE). The default (absent any filecodes) is: STD. You may issue file equations to control the default files IN and OUT: FILE IN;DEV=TAPE or FILE IN=myfile FILE OUT;DEV=REMOTE#TAPE or FILE OUT=myfile Note: TapeCopy's TD option defaults to a disk file of about 2GB. To create a nearly 4GB file, try: :FILE OUT;disc=16769147 Note: TapeCopy cannot create or read Large Files! Notice that TapeCopy and its source code are freely distributable, but NOT supported by HP. Please keep in mind that TapeCopy does not know any details about the media it copies. Thus, it can copy only a single tape at a time, not a 'STORE set'. TapeCopy does "raw" copying only. NOTE: TapeCopy cannot see (or copy) "setmarks" on DDS tapes. NOTE: TapeCopy cannot copy STORE tapes created with MAXTAPEBUF! (If either of the above notes applies to you, you may wish to contact Allegro Consultants, Inc. (www.allegrosupport.com) about products that can do those things.) Tapes created with MAXTAPEBUF may have records larger than 32,760 bytes. TapeCopy cannot read more than 32,760 bytes per record! Note: NMSTORE directory records are 32768 bytes in length as of MPE/iX 5.0. NETTIME 20160421s