ShowAcct Copyright (c) 2015 Allegro Consultants, Inc. This utility lists the account entries in the system accounting directory ("root". "/" (root) is hpfopen'd for directory read access. Group directories are opened via sm_open_fd. User entries are currently not available (they're not in files since 5.0) Commands: BUILDjob filename [noSORT] [noCHECKACCT] [noTELL] Exit Terminate program // Terminate program REPORT [account | @] [options] options ::= Gbs | List | Mbs | Quiet | Sectors | VARiables | Verbose ALLVars | VARS Reports disk space for one or all accounts. If an account name is omitted, '@' is implied. The report format (and/or desired variable units) can be specified by one of: Sectors or MBs or GBs. If LIST is specified, then each matching account will be listed to $stdlist. (Default: LIST) If ALLVARS is specified, then these CI variables will be created: TOT_ACCOUNTS (# of accounts seen) TOT_MBS and/or TOT_GBS and/or TOT_SECTORS and A_accountname_MBS/GBS/SECTORS (for each account) If VARS is specified, and not ALLVARS, and an '@' (explicit or implied), then these CI variables will be created: TOT_ACCOUNTS (# of accounts seen) TOT_MBS and/or TOT_GBS and/or TOT_SECTORS If VARS (or ALLVARS) is specified and a single account is requested, then these variables are created: TOT_ACCOUNTS (will be 0 or 1) A_MBS and/or A_GBS and/or A_SECTORS If a report format was specified, and VARS or ALLVARS, then only the variable for that kind of unit is created. (E.g., 'Sectors' --> TOT_SECTORS), otherwise all three kinds of variables are created for VARS and ALLVAS. SCANAccount [account | account@ | @] [,] [options] [> filename] options ::= ALL | BUILD | FULL | Groups | [no]SHOWPASS | | Quiet | [no]Verbose | [no]INFO } | ACCOUNTS | DEBUG1 | OPEN | HOLEs | NEWPASS = xxx Scans account names. If account is specified, only that account is displayed. If account is terminated with an at-sign (@), then matching accounts are displayed. ACCOUNTS (default) tells SCAN to consider only the account entries in $ROOT (see also: ALL) ALL tells SCAN to consider every entry in $ROOT, even those that are not accounts (e.g., /tmp). Normally, SCAN skips non-account entries in the root directory. BUILD tells SCAN to emit ALTACCT / ALTGROUP commands. GROUPS tells SCAN to list the groups for every displayed account. HOLES tells SCAN to only list accounts (or groups) that have PM, OP, or SM capability *and* have no password. INFO tells SCAN to report information about the account(s) or group(s) that it found (those that match your criteria). NOINFO tells SCAN to produce a single line report of just the account (or group) name. Note: SHOWPASS NOINFO will report the password on the account (or group) line. LIMITED tells SCAN to only report accounts that have at least one limit (connect time, cpu time, file limit). LIMIT_CLOSE tells SCAN to only report accounts that have at least one limit (connect time, cpu time, file limit) where the usage is at 90% or more of the limit. NEWPASS=xxx tells SCAN to change the selected account passwords to xxx. NOPASS tells SCAN to list only accounts with no password. OPEN tells SCAN to open each group entry found, and report information about the group node (e.g., number of opens in use). PASSWORD=xxx tells SCAN to list only accounts with a password of xxx. SHOWPASS tells SCAN to list the passwords for every account listed. (Requires SM capability.) Normally, SCAN suppresses the display of account passwords. VERBOSE tells SCAN to list all of the information for each account. NOVERBOSE tells SCAN to list just the account names. (Default: VERBOSE) USERs [start#] [ALL | BUILD | INFO | ADDR | NOINFO] [>file] [MATCH xxxx[@]] | USER xxx[@] | ACCT xxx[#] [COLDLOADID < "<" | "=" | ">=" > # ] ] [no]SHOWPASS | | NEWPASS = xxx [WHEN] [EMPTY] [EMPTYONLY] [INTERESTing] [UCOM] Note: the user.accounts are not listed in alphabetic order, but probably in the order they were created on the system. The COLDLOADID option of the USERS command tells SHOWACCT to only show users with matching coldloadid values. E.g.: COLDLOAD = 220 If COLDLOADID is < #, then only users who have logged on in the last # bootups are shown. E.g., COLDLOADID < 1 shows users who have logged on since the most recent bootup. If COLDLOADID is >= #, then only users who haven't logged on in that many bootups are shown. E.g., COLDLOADID > 1 shows users who haven't logged on since the most recent bootup. (This can be read as "users who haven't logged in in the last # bootups.) Example: USERS COLDLOADID > 16 NOINFO will list (one line per user) the users who have not logged in during any of the last 16 bootups of MPE/iX. The WHEN option of the USERS command tells SHOWACCT that you only want to see "when" the matching users last logged on. (WHEN implies NOINFO.) "When" is based on the number of bootups ago, not on a calendar date. Note that we can't tell exactly when a user last logged on, but we do know how many "bootups" ago he/she last logged on. MPE increments a disk-based counter called the "coldload ID" at every bootup. If the current bootup since INSTALL is 50, then if a user last logged on at bootup 45, we know they logged on 5 bootups ago. CLEARREDO DO LISTREDO REDO ShowAcct ShowAcct 20151215