OSVER ... a utility to display the "version" of MPE/iX: - base version (e.g., MPE/iX 5.0) - express release (e.g., Express 3) - latest PowerPatch (e.g., PP 7) - additional patch information NOTE: OSVER analyzes HPSWINFO.PUB.SYS. This file is not protected, and is modified by a variety of different subsystems (and in different manners). Additionally, when installing a PowerPatch, it is possible that some patches may not get installed (for various reasons). Therefore, the conclusion reached by OSVER might be faulty. You should always keep your own records about patches installed to each system! Running: OSVER can be run interactively (:OSVER or :RUN OSVER.PUB.SYS) and it can be run with an INFO string (which executes the command in INFO and then terminates). ----------------------------------------------------------------- Commands: Exit (or: //) Terminates OSVER. Help [command] (or: ? [command]) Displays help information. SCAN [filename] [options] The default is to scan HPSWINFO.PUB.SYS, and report the version information as a single consise line of output. Examples: a) scan HPSWINFO.PUB.SYS by default: :OSVER SCAN Base Release 6.0 + b) scan HPSWINFO.FOO: :OSVER SCAN HPSWINFO.FOO Base Release 6.0 + b) scan HPSWINFO.PUB.SYS by default, VERBOSE: :OSVER SCAN , VERBOSE Base Release 6.0 + #product: 0 #AUTOPAT: 11 #PowerPatch: 0 #Reactive: 0 #SubSys: 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Problems: If you encounter a situation where OSVER's output disagrees with what think is installed, please send the output and a copy of HPSWINFO a ":SHOWME" output to: sieler@gmail.com OSVER 20140822 Copyright (c) 1999 Allegro Consultants, Inc.