You are in QZMODIFY...a single-line visual mode editor. You will remain in this editor until you hit a return or a control-Y. In QZMODIFY, "what you see is what you get". The cursor rests on the same line as the text you are editing. If you hit any printable key (ASCII code 32 or greater), that key will either replace the character the cursor was on, or (if insert-mode is on) insert the key before that character, moving the rest of line to the right 1 character. When you initially enter QZMODIFY you are in, a blank will simply cause the cursor to move one space to the right. Hitting any other printable character will immediately terminate transparent-mode and put you in overwrite-mode, so the character will replace the one the cursor is on. The 3 basic modes are: mode to enter to exit ----------- -------- ------- transparent ^T any printable char, ^B, ^O, or ^X overwrite ^O ^T, ^B, or ^X insert ^B or ^^ ^T, ^O, or ^X QZMODIFY will not allow you to create a line longer than a maximum specified by the calling program, nor can you accidentally "lose" characters off the right edge when using insert-mode ... QZMODIFY will beep when you try to do something illegal. The optional SSMODIFYJCW controls some of QZMODIFY's actions. QZMODIFY has an extensive set of commands, all of which are invoked via control-characters. In this help text, the symbol ^ means that the following character is a control character (e.g: ^G is control-G.). Control characters may be entered as lowercase or uppercase letters (i.e: ^g and ^G are identical). QZMODIFY commands: Char Mnemonic Description ---- -------- -------------------------------- ^A append Goto end-of-line. Moves the cursor to just after the last character on the line. If the line is already at the maximum length, the cursor will be placed ON the last character! ^B before Turn on insert-mode. Turns off overwrite-mode. If you enter a character while in insert-mode, it will be put BEFORE the character the cursor is on, and the rest of the line will move to the right one. ^^ before Control up-arrow...synonym of ^B. Use ^^ instead of ^B if you are on a system console! ^C case Change case of current character. If the current character is a lowercase letter, it will be changed to an uppercase letter and vice-versa. ^D delete Delete character. Hitting ^D will cause the character under the cursor to be deleted, and rest of the line moved one space to the left. ^L^D delete end If the cursor is just past the last character, (i.e.: you just did a ^L or ^A), then the ^D will delete the last character of the line. ^E erase Erase to end of line. This will erase all of the text from the cursor to the end of the line. ^F find Find next occurrence of . The cursor will be moved to the first occurrence of the character to the right of the cursor. If is not found, you will hear a beep. ^F Find nth occurrence of 1<=n<=8. ^G goof Undo all current modifications. Restores the line of text to its original form. Note: ^V, ^K, ^T^D, and ^T^V cannot be undone. ^H backspace Move back one char (non-destructive). ^I tab Skip 10 characters to right. ^J justify Deletes blanks from cursor to the first non-blank (does not delete that character). ^K add Requests QEDIT to add a line after current line. The current line will then be re-displayed for editing AND you will get to edit the new line. ^L lengthen Goto end-of-line...synonym of ^A. Use ^L instead of ^A if you are on a Type Ahead Engine (TAE)! ^M return Marks end of editing a line. Returns to the caller (e.g.: QEDIT) the modified line. Note that ^M is the same as the return key. ^O overwrite Initiate overwrite-mode and also turn off insert-mode (^B). In overwrite-mode, if you enter a character, it will replace the one on the screen (i.e.: overwrite it). ^P<#> Move up/down some number of lines of text. (Only applicable from QEDIT.) For example, ^P3- moves back 3 lines. ^Q query Display this information about QZMODIFY. (or: ^W H) ^S scan Find previous occurrence of . The cursor will be moved to the first occurrence of to the left of the current cursor position. If is not found, you will hear a beep. ^S Find nth occurrence of 1<=n<=8. ^T Transparent Terminates insert-mode and overwrite-mode. After ^T, if you type blanks, the cursor will simple move right 1 space without affecting the text. Transparent-mode is always turned off automatically whenever a non- blank printable character is entered, then overwrite-mode is turned on. ^T^D delete If done at column 1, will request caller to delete the line. ^T^V splice If done at column 1, will request caller to join the next line to the end of the current line. The newly spliced line will be displayed for editing. ^U jUmpback Move 10 characters to left. This is the opposite of ^I. As an aid to remembering them, ^I is the same as hitting the tab key, and ^U is just to the left of ^I on the keyboard. ^V split Split current line (at cursor) into two lines and modify both of them. ^X eXamine Examine (redisplay) current line. ^Y Abort Terminates modify mode WITHOUT changing the current line. ^W Wordproc Shifts into "word processor" mode. In word processor mode, the NEXT character (usually a control character) is used to select a function. The functions are: ^W^C Compress multiple blanks to single blanks. ^W^D Delete Word. Deletes from the cursor to the next blank, and then any following blanks up to (but not including) the next non-blank. ^W^H Toggles QZMODIFY flag that remembers if you have an HP110. (Flag is initially off.) This will change in a future release, so don't become too dependent on it. The flag is needed because the HP110 only implements a subset of the "standard" HP26xx escape sequences, and some of them INCORRECTLY! ^W^L Draws a ruled "line", ala the "LT" command in QEDIT. ^W^N Toggles "numbered" mode. A line-number prefix will be displayed in front of a line of text ONLY if both of the following are true: - line numbers have been requested (either via an M command from QEDIT or via ^W^N); - the line-number was passed to qzmodify by QEDIT. (i.e.: you did a M command, not an MQ command) ^W^D Delete all characters from cursor up to, but not including, character . Note: must be a "printable" ASCII character (character code > 31) other than: "S", "s", "H", "h", "$", or "?". If the cursor is currently on a , it is deleted immediately before looking for the first . If is not found, nothing is deleted. ^W^P Put next character into text. This is useful when you want to put a control-character into the text. All non-printable characters will be displayed as periods (.), so they will take up 1 space on the line. ^W A control-W followed by a control-S, or uppercase S, or lowercase s is the start of a "shift" command. (There is no difference between ^s, S, or s ... the "S"/"s" options were added because many MPE/iX users are unable to enter a control-S) ^Ws^D Down-case all letters from cursor to end of line. ^Ws^U Up-case all letters from cursor to end of line. ^Ws^T Toggle-case all letters from cursor to end of line. Note: in the above, ^D/^U/^T may be replaced by D/U/T or d/u/t (i.e., non-control-character, case insensitive similar letter) ^W^T Toggles the TypeAhead Engine (if you have one) through three states: disabled, enabled, ignored. ^W^V Prints the version id of QZMODIFY. ^W? Display the ASCII character code for the character that the cursor is on, in decimal and octal. Note: if you enter control-S and you appear to "hang", enter a control-Q to "unhang". Explanation of symbols used above: is any single character. This character will be searched for. If is ^W, the search will be for a "word" (words are delimited by blanks) instead of for a single character. <#> is zero or more digits. For example, ^P12+ would mean move forward 12 lines. ^P3- would move back 3 lines. is one of: ^A, ^B, ..., ^H and is interpreted as the number 1, 2, ..., 8 respectively. is a "-" to move "back", or a "+" to move "forward". NOTE: when modifying a line longer than 79 characters, some commands (e.g.: ^D, ^B, ^E) will not update any line of the screen display other than the one you are on. Whenever you want to see an accurate display of your text line, hit ^X to refresh the display. This limitation could be fixed, but only at the cost of slowing down response time while editing these longer lines. NOTE: you cannot use the special keys on an HP terminal (e.g.: cursor keys, insert char, delete char, clear) because they are designed to either send no characters to the computer when they are hit or 2 characters...and both of these choices cause difficult problems on an HP3000 without a TypeAheadEngine...thus, these keys should not be used. If you use them by accident, a ^X will refresh the display of the line you are editing. ******************************************************************** JCWs The COLUMNS jcw is used to tell QZMODIFY how "wide" your terminal is. If not found, 80 is assumed. The SSMODIFYFLAGS jcw controls two aspects of QZMODIFY: whether or not "SETMSG OFF" (and SETMSG ON) is done at entry (and exit), and whether or not "unedited" mode is used for reading from the terminal (instead of "binary" mode) The jcws are checked only the first time QZMODIFY is entered for a process! SSMODIFYFLAGS bits: 15 (value = 1) 1 = do SETMSG ON at entry, SETMSG OFF at exit (This is the default!) 0 = don't do SETMSG ON or SETMSG OFF 14 (value = 2) 1 = use unedited mode 0 = use binary mode (the default on MPE/iX) ******************************************************************** &dC* The rest of the HELP information applies ONLY to those * &dC* users who have TypeAhead Engines (from Telamon). * ******************************************************************** The TypeAheadEngine (TAE) can be in one of 3 states from QZMODIFY's viewpoint: disabled, enabled, or ignored. Each is defined below: ignored...QZMODIFY will not do anything to either encourage the use, or discourage the use, of the TAE. This is the initial state (usually...see below) enabled...QZMODIFY will place the TAE in single character mode at entry, and restore it to line mode at exit. This means that the HP3000 won't lose typed ahead input anymore, and that the special keys (e.g.: cursor keys) will work nicely. disabled..QZMODIFY will disable typeahead (by sending ^A^V to the TAE) at entry, and enable it at exit. In this mode, the TAE is effectively taken out of the "circuit". With QEDIT, you configure TAE-treatment as part of the SET MODIFY VEMODIFY command: SET MOD VEMODIFY {Ignore the TAE} SET MOD VEMODIFY TAEOFF {TAE exists, disable it.} SET MOD VEMODIFY TAE {TAE exists, enable it.} The following extra commands are available ONLY when the TAE is present & enabled: ^W^T Toggles the TypeAhead Engine through three states: disabled, enabled, ignored. leftarrow The HP26xx left arrow key will move the cursor 1 space to the left. rightarrow The HP26xx right arrow key will move the cursor 1 space to the right. up arrow Move up to the prior line of text, leaving cursor in the same column. The CRT screen is scrolled DOWN, so the the line you were just editing is moved down 1. down arrow Move down to the next line of text, leaving cursor in the same column. The CRT screen is scrolled UP, so the the line you were just editing is moved up 1. delete char Deletes the character under the cursor (like ^D). insert char Turns on insert mode (like ^B). home up Move cursor to column 1 of current line. home down Move cursor to last column of current line. insert line Ask QEDIT to add a new line AFTER the current line. delete line Ask QEDIT to delete the current line. ^leftarrow Moves cursor LEFT to the blank just after the nearest token to the left of the cursor. Valid ONLY if a TypeAhead Engine is present and enabled. Only available on HP264x terminals. ^rightarrow Moves cursor RIGHT until it hits the start of the next token. (Will not move past current end of text.) Valid ONLY if a TypeAhead Engine is present and enabled. Only available on HP264x terminals. Help updated: 2004-09-29