LCLint 2.3i --- 15 Sep 97 (document revised 2008-02-22) LCLint, ported to MPE, and integrated with Lund Performance Solutions CSEQ. LCLint is a "lint" program to check C programs for command problems. By using CSEQ, this version of LCLint can handle "#pragam intrinsic" directives found in HP C or CCS C on the HP 3000. Use lclint -help for more information! Installation: Logon as MANAGER.SYS, and after uploading the package and unpacking into @.@.ALLEGRO): :STREAM INSTALL.LCLINT.ALLEGRO Sample use: (from the shell) export LARCH_PATH="/usr/include" lclint foo.c If you have CSEQ, one of the toolbox programs from Lund Performance Solutions (, then lclint will handle "#pragma intrinsic" for you. Note: this is not the current version of lclint, and will not be upgraded. After incorporating CSEQ into lclint, the "official" maintainers of lclint radically changed the internal implementation of lclint's "read" routine, making integration of CSEQ quite difficult, so I do not plan to move my changes to any newer version of lclint. Further, lclint has been superceded by splint (which I have not ported to MPE) For further information about source code: For information about CSEQ, please contact Lund Performance Solutions, please visit or see: or see: For source code for my changes to lclint, please contact