HOURprog 20070205. Copyright (c) 1997 Allegro Consultants, Inc. Email: sieler@gmail.com HOURprog is a utility that wakes up about once an hour and says "hi" to the system console, and then runs the NETTIME.PUB.ALLEGRO utility to synchronize the system clock to the network time source. NETTIME is run via: run nettime.pub.allegro;info="-s" A typical use of HOURprog is to stream the following job at system startup: !job hour, operator.sys; outclass=,1 ! !setvar tz "PST8PDT" ! !set stdlist = delete ! !run hourprog.operator.sys ! !eoj Why run HOURprog all the time? 1. when you look at the system console, you'll be able to determine (within an hour) when messages were displayed. 2. it does a clock synchronization with a network time server once an hour. If, like some HP 3000s, your system is loosing a second a day, this will workaround that problem.