parm gmt_offset_hours = 99, gmt_offset_minutes = 0 comment Version: 2001-11-06 (fixed negative offset problem) comment Written by Steve Cooper and Stan Sieler 1998-04-17 if !gmt_offset_hours = 99 then echo echo This command has one required parameter: the number of echo hours your local time is offset from GMT. echo If you are in California, for example, the echo offset is 8 hours for PST, and 7 hours during PDT. echo echo The second (optional) parameter is the additional echo number of minutes your local time is offset from GMT. echo echo Thus, if you should be 3:30 off from GMT (e.g., in echo Newfoundland regular time): echo fixclock 3, 30 echo echo If you are in California *and* it's now Daylight Savings Time, echo fixclock 7 echo echo If you are EAST of GMT, use negative numbers. echo return endif if (!gmt_offset_hours > 23) or (!gmt_offset_hours < -23) then echo echo Sorry, gmt_offset_hours must be in the range -23..23 error return endif if (!gmt_offset_hours < 0) or (!gmt_offset_minutes < 0) then setvar _prefix "E" if (!gmt_offset_hours < 0) and (!gmt_offset_minutes > 0) then echo echo Sorry, the hours and minutes must both be <= 0 error return endif else setvar _prefix "W" endif setvar _orig_date "!hpmonth/!hpdate/!hpyear" setvar _orig_time "!hphour:!hpminute" comment there is no hpsecond if _prefix = "E" then echo timezone=!_prefix![-!gmt_offset_hours]:![-!gmt_offset_minutes] setclock timezone=!_prefix![-!gmt_offset_hours]:![-!gmt_offset_minutes] else setclock timezone=!_prefix!gmt_offset_hours:!gmt_offset_minutes endif showclock setclock ; cancel showclock comment the "cancel" doesn't undo the timezone change! setclock date=!_orig_date; time=!_orig_time; now showclock