FILLSCR is a simple program designed to emit text to the screen, in an attempt to "fill" the screen (to test the size of terminal memory). You can tell FILLSCR if you want simple text (one character of memory used per character of display) or complex text (each displayed character requires 2 to 5 characters of display memory, depending upon implementation). You can tell FILLSCR how wide the output should be, and how many lines to display. You can also choose whether or not each line should start with a line number. Options are entered via the INFO string, in any order and they are not case sensitive. In the following, the uppercase portion indicates the required minimum abbreviation. INFO options: CLEAR (or: CLS) Clears the screen/memory at start (HJ sequence) COLumns # (or: WIDTH #) Specifies the number of displayed characters per line. Note: FILLSCR displays that number minus one, to avoid the problem of 80th character causing an auto cr/lf on most terminals (where "80th" means "right most character, but that's 80 for a classic terminal). [no]COMPLEX Do [not] emit complex output. In COMPLEX mode, each character is preceded with an escape sequence like &dx, where "x" varies from "@", to "A", to "B", ... to "N", and finally to "O", and then restarting at "@". I.e., all 16 possible display enhancement modes are used, one per character of displayed output. For some terminals / emulators, this will sharply reduce the number of lines they can display. [no]CONTinuous CONTINUOUS tells FILLSCR to write 'forever' (or, until a control-Y or the program is aborted). Note: sometimes, control-Y is ignored by MPE ... FILLSCR will periodically check the JCW called, cleverly, "JCW" ... if its value is non-0, then FILLSCR will stop. Because of this check, if CONTINUOUS is selected, FILLSCR will start by setting JCW to 0. DELETE Delete (via esc,A,esc,M) every tenth output line. HELP Displays this help, then terminates. [no]LINENUMBERS Do [not] show the line number at the start of each line of output. LINES # (or: ROWS #) Print the specified number of lines of output, then stop. Note: LINES 0 is treated as CONTINUOUS. VERSion Displays the FILLSCR version, then terminates. Default: LINES 1000 COLUMNS 80 LINENUMBERS Version 20141007