CompFile (c) Allegro Consultants, Inc. Help updated: 2008-08-27 Author: Stan Sieler ( Compares two files, looking for mismatches. The files may be which may be ordinary files, or privileged files (e.g., root files, or datasets). Syntax: file1 file2 [options] Options: ARROW Emit a '>' in front of any mismatch. ASCII Dump ASCII text along with hex data. CHECKMBs # Only check specified # of MBs of data. COPY Open files in COPY mode (default) DEBLOCK # break the hex dump ever # bytes DEBUG1 DEBUG2 DEBUGMR DIFSIZE Tells program to compare contents of records even if their size is different. DUMP Display contents of mismatches EJECT Emit a control-L at end of program. FCODE0 Allow filecode mismatch if either = 0 FIRSTRECORD # Record to start comparison (default=0) HELP or ? HIGHLIGHT (with DUMP) Highlight mismatches on terminal IGNFCODE Allow filecode mismatch LEADZEROS Show leading zeros in hex values. MAXERRORS # Maximum # of errors to report (default=99) MR Controls whether files are opened with MR or NOMR NUMRECORDS # Maximum number of records to compare NUMSETS # (crude) Will compare file1## to file2## for # sets (e.g., if # is 11, ...01 thru ...11) PAGING PERLINE # Restrict # items per line to # PROGRESS Display progress information. PURGELEFT Purge the "left" (first) file when done. PURGERIGHT Purge the "right" (second) file when done. QUICK Stop on first error QUIET Suppress output ... user relies on JCW to detect problems. READLINE Reads file as ASCII text (for HP-UX) RECBYTES # Specify record size (for HP-UX) ROOTFIX When comparing an IMAGE root file, ROOTFIX says: don't compare the creation timestamp in UL0, nor the root name in record 0. (Default: ROOTFIX) SKIPMBs # Skip # MBs at start of file before comparing STARTByte # Tells COMPFILE to skip # bytes in record 0. STRIPTRAIL Strip trailing blanks (allows mismatched record sizes) SUMmary Display a concise list of differences TIMES Report CPU, elapsed time when done UNDERLINE Highlight underlines, not inverse video USERLABELS Compare userlabels (default: true) VERBOSE WHOLEREC Tells HIGHLIGHT to display entire record; WIDTH # Specifies maximum output width WORDs Do 32-bit word comparisons, not byte ones (and, report in words not in bytes) Note: many options can be preceded with "NO". On MPE, the JCW COMPILEDIFFS is set to the number of file differences found, and JCW is set to a non-0 if any problems were found. The absolute value of JCW is: 1 failed to open (file1) 2 ffileinfo on (file1) failed 3 failed to open (file2) 4 ffileinfo on (file2) failed 5 freadlabel (file1) failed 6 freadlabel (file2) failed 7 fread (file1) failed 8 fread (file2) failed 9 fread on both files failed (not EOF) 10 Using MR, read different # recs from each file 11 FPOINT on (file1) failed 12 FPOINT on second file failed 13 MR, but block sizes different 14 record sizes differ 15 encountered errors 16 expected two filenames 17 failed to read (file2) filename 18 expected FIRSTRECORD # 19 expected MAXERRORS # 19 expected STARTBYTE # 19 expected WIDTH # 20 expected NUMRECORDS # 21 expected NUMSETS # 22 unknown option 23 input failed 24 QUICK specified and an error was found 25 too many errors COMPFILE 20180925 Copyright (c) 2001 Allegro Consultants, Inc.