AutoSt (c) Allegro Consultants, Inc. AUTOST ... a utility to add/delete an 'AUTOBOOT' file on an MPE/iX system ... without rebooting or generating a CSLT tape. Typical commands are: LS to list the directory of LIF files, ADD, DELETE, and EXIT. The new BUILD command can be used to create a file suitable for use by the ADDFILE command. Also, "SYSFILE" lists/adds/deletes to the sysgen "system file". (Please see the note at the end of the help information for the SYSFILE command!) Note: "LIF" stands for Logical Interchange Format.... the files visible to the ISL are in a LIF directory. NOTE: to do an "ADD" command, you must be logged in as MANAGER.SYS with a homegroup of MPEXL, and the new autoboot file must reside in the MPEXL group. --- Commands: ADDFILE autobootfile [GROUP [=] config_groupname | CONFIG] [ANYdata] Adds a new autoboot file to the LIF directory. If GROUP or CONFIG is specified, adds it to the SYSGEN "database". Unless ANYDATA is specified, the file is quickly checked to see if it looks like it's a valid autoboot file (i.e., has ASCII data ending with a linefeed). Note: the file must be on LDEV 1, and be at a disk address in the first 4 GB of disk, and be a single extent. On MPE/iX 7.5 systems, there is a way to ask for "system master", which is the first 4 GBs of LDEV 1: build foo; dev = **$system_master; rec=-72,1,f,ascii;disc=1 The typical contents of an autoboot file are: start recovery (i.e., a command like "start recovery" followed by a linefeed (ASCII code decimal 10). Note: this utility does not add the file to the "FPROTECT" file ... a file that helps prevent users from deleting important system files. If you did not specify GROUP or CONFIG, then the new autoboot file is not added to the the file to SYSFILEP..SYS! (You should consider running SYSGEN and use the SY and then AA command (and 'Hold' and 'Keep').) See also: BUILDFILE and LISTFILE. BUILDfile filename [PURGE | REUSE] [commandline......] Builds a file with the specified name (or optionally reuses an existing file), and takes special care to build it on LDEV 1 (or on $$system_master if MPE/iX 7.5). If a command line is not specifed, then the default is: start norecovery A newline is appended to the command line, and the text is written to the first record of the file filename. The LISTFILE command can be used to inspect a file. You may want to either 'chgroup mpexl.sys' or qualify the filename to have MPEXL.SYS in it ... I can't remember. NOTE: see the notes at the end of the 'ADDFILE' description! CHECKFILE filename Checks the specified file to see if it has a newline at the end, if it is on LDEV 1, and if it's in the first 4 GB. DELete liffile# [ASK | NOPURGE | PURGE ] Deletes specified LIF file. NOTE: you can only delete an autoboot file. DIRectory [prefix] Synonym: LS Display directory of LIF files. If "prefix" is provided, only lists files that start with the prefix. Exit or // Terminates the program Help or ? Displays this help LISTFILE filename Lists the specified file, showing any unprintable characters. Also checks if the file is on LDEV 1 (and if it's in the first 4 GB). SET options RESET options options ::= CIREDO PAGING SECONDS Turns options off/on SYSFILE [filename] [,] [options] options::= [ADD autostart_filename] [Auto | SHOW typeprefix] [DELAUTO] [Verbose] The SYSFILE command lists the contents of the specified "system file", e.g. "SYSFILEP.CONFIG.SYS" (the default filename). SYSFILE , AUTO will list just the autoboot records in the system file. The SYSFILE command can also add or delete an autoboot file from the specified "system file", although this is generally done automatically via the "ADD" command's "Group" option. The ADD option adds the specified filename (e.g, "autoboot") to the specified system file as a "disc autoboot" file. It tries to save the prior copy of the system file as /tmp/old.sysfilep. Note: the ADD command will delete any old file called 'TEMP' in the logon group. The SYSFILE DELAUTO command deletes all autoboot files from the specified "system file". The default system file (e.g., if it is omitted) is SYSFILEP.CONFIG.SYS. NOTE: the SYSFILE command does *NOT* know what group your main system configuration is stored in. (Hint: it is *NOT* the group called 'BOOTUP'!) It is usually the group 'CONFIG' ... but AUTOST does not *know* that. Thus when the SYSFILE command defaults to the file SYSFILEP.CONFIG.SYS, that represents a fairly good guess. I.e.: be sure to specify the correct SYSFILEP if yours is not in the CONFIG.SYS group! SYSGEN [List | Find | Match [#]] (R & D command) Opens and reads SYSFILEP.CONFIG.SYS. The LIST option will cause the entire file to be listed. The Find option will look for an autoboot file (type discauto (40)). The Match option will list entries that match the specified # (default for # is 40). ---------------------------------------------------------- 20200709